Welcome to Sakana Garden!

| entrance gate

Despite the name, here I don’t talk about flowers or fishes (Sakana means “fish”, just like “keikaku” means “plan”), it’s just a site for the works that I’m trying to do between RPG Maker, Ren’py, pixel art, drawings and well, who knows, we’ll see.

Thank you for visiting, I wish you a good stay!

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Every Thought Flies – The ash black cat is back and so my sprites and betatesting and lots of love

| announcement, collaborations, game, sprites

Finally, I can introduce you to Every Thought Flies, a prequel to The Ash Black Cat and the Happy Ogre, by Tailusei!

🕯️ Plot

One stormy afternoon, Gioele decides to play a ritual japanese game, The Gathering of 100 Supernatural Tales. It’s a relatively simple game to play, after all; it requires 100 candles, a lot of matches, and willing storytellers with a fervid imagination – telling 100 weird stories in a row is not an easy task! At the end of the last tale, something strange is bound to happen…
And what better storytellers than Felix, Noelia and Abele?
So, the game show you the last four tales. Strange, weird, supernatural stories… also, somewhat painful memories. They claim their stories are all true; will you believe them?
Maybe, inside this tales there is something more worrying than the possible ghost apparition at the end of the game…

Besides being the betatester of both the English and Italian versions (The latter will arrive any day now!), I was in charge of the main characters’ sprites!

(And someone else…)

As with The Ash Black Cat, they are 99% Mack with a sprinkling of Momope. On the other hand, it was me who drew the 90% of the clothes!

However, what I am really pleased with is

Little Noelia! She’s adorable! I said it myself!

🕯️ About

Every thought flies it’s an anthology of creepy tales using as a frame the japanese game Hyaku Monogatari Kaidankai.

It’s not a really scary game, it’s more like a cozy horror.

🕯️ Features

🕯️ 4 different cozy horror tales
🕯️ Atmospheric sound design (No RTP!)
🕯️ Sardinian folklore in the first tale
🕯️ Queer characters!  
🕯️ Multiple endings for each story AND for the game
🕯️ For now, 3 CGs (planning to add more). 
🕯️ 1h/1h30 of playtime

Download on Itch.io

Go take a look! Aside from the cuteness of little Noelia, it’s a game I really enjoyed and I’m happy I participated ♡


Pink Pro – When you realize that the jam deadline is near and you decide to use the Demo power

| announcement, game jam

I decided to participate in the Yuri Game Jam like six months ago. The game is (supposedly) short, I started working on it straight away, the deadline was even postponed, and I arrive with a demo that includes the first 10/20 minutes. Let’s say that the last jam taught me to put myself before my projects-

Pink Pro – [Pink]y [Pro]mise – is a game that brings together a lot of things I like – Sweets, beautiful tilesets, pretty clothes and monster people. It was originally a cute and cozy game, then I developed the plot and it became much less cute and cozy. It’s not horror, but the warnings are there for a reason.

Here are the coordinates:

🍰 Available on Itch.io (Click me! Click me!)
🍰 In English and Italian
🍰 Features an all-female cast, a lot of sweets and a lot of pink
🍰 Major warnings are sort of body horror and, for the full version, abduction, attempted choking, hatred for “the different one” that can be interpreted as racism or homophobia
🍰 4.000+ words (Flavour texts and NPCs included)
🍰 About twenty minutes of reading, walking simulator and cooking minigame

Theoretically it’s 80% ready, I’m mostly missing minor cutscenes, a CG and the ending. I hope to be able to bring you the full game soon – And of course, I hope you enjoy it if you want to check it out!

🍨 If you’re interested, you can follow its fantastic development on my devblog!


This Tomb of Ours – The jams return with a collaboration!

| announcement, collaborations, game jam, sprites

Hi people!

Today I present to you This Tomb of Ours, “a short, story-heavy RPG with some puzzle elements and a lot of dark places to explore” by GrandPiekron!

The sprites and busts of the two ladies of this story were made by me ☆

Meet Erin!

She’s a young archaeologist who loves her work and her pockets. She’s also willing to return to a horrible place and face her fears in order to explore it and investigate it, and finally give peace to more than one person.

And Kat?

I think she has some impediment at the moment.


Two years ago, a terrible tragedy took the lives of a group of archeology students, leaving Erin Hauser as the sole survivor.

A month ago, people began going missing near the very same tomb where the incident occurred.

Unable to move on from the loss of her best friend, Erin returns to the site of her ultimate failure to discover why missing persons reports are piling up in the region – and do whatever she can to resolve the issue, so that her friend can rest in peace.


The game participates in the 20th RPG Maker Horror Game Jam (Theme: Remember the Dead) and the 30 Day RPG Maker Themed Game Jam #12 (Theme: Tomb of the Ancients).

These themes are obviously perfect for November but, if they are about the plot of a game, it is obvious that there will be some suffering. For more than one reason. And yes: we’re talking about tombs (Unbelievable, right?), physical and metaphorical.

Given the jam’s deadline, it’s not complete yet, but that’s something that will be remedied soon! (!)

Come take a look~


Entrevista con un súcubo – Spanish version available!

| announcement, game jam

¡Hola a todos!

I would like to announce that, from today, Interview with a succubus is also in European Spanish ☆

All credit goes to acadizs! Muchísimas gracias! 

I took advantage of this to make a single build with all versions – Now, like in normal visual novels, you can choose which language to read, instead of downloading multiple files. Let me know if there are any problems (๑꒪▿꒪)*

¡Espero que disfrutes de Entrevista con un súcubo!


Interview with a succubus – 100+ Downloads!

| game jam

Interview with a succubus has surpassed 100 downloads!

I know it may seem like a “small” amount but, for me, it’s truly incredible – It’s my first visual novel, my first attempt at Ren’py, my first participation in a jam, my first completed project. Knowing that it managed to catch the attention of so many people, to convince them to try the game, even do let’s plays, is wonderful!

So, thanks to everyone who wanted to give Sairshe and “Nobody” a chance ❤

Hope you enjoyed spending time with them!


Three Yellow Quartzes – Have I actually completed an RPG Maker game?

| announcement, game jam

I said I’ve decided to join some jams, right?

I was able to participate in two jams with one game: Three Yellow Quartzes!

The funny thing is that I wanted to participate in the 19th RPG Maker Horror Game Jam, themed Cursed Jewel, and I thought about this story. From the story, I have planned one of the game mechanics for which you have to monitor the “thirst” of Clea, the protagonist, and choose whether to refresh it with her flask (From which you can drink only 10 times) or with the unarmed humans walking around unaware. Obviously, the different endings depend on this.

But then Themed Horror Game Jam #14 revealed its themes, and both the general one and the three optional ones were exactly what I had in mind for this game. I couldn’t not participate!

I wanted to do a dev diary, but nothing, so I plan to do some posts about the game in the next few days. And, perhaps, make the obligatory update that it deserves, because the English version has been translated and inserted into the game in the space of 12 hours of suffering.

In this regard, I want to thank Tailu for the thousands of things she did: sound design, betatesting, moral and physical support and for convincing me to participate anyway despite the fact that, at the end, I had abandoned hope but also faith and charity. Thank you so much! 

Extra: By the way, Clea and Aurel’s sprites are Looseleaf-style, so I can happily add them to my portfolio for commissions (Self-spam!)~

You can find Three Yellow Quartzes at these coordinates:

🦇 Available on Itch.io (Click me! Click me!)
🦇 In English and Italian.
The English text is, for now, creaky and unpolished, so handle with care. [09/09: Updated!]
🦇 3 endings
🦇 About 40 minutes up to 1 hour of gameplay
🦇 Major warnings are death-related stuff, abusive relationship and implied suicidal thoughts and depression. A very edgy list, I realize-

I hope you like it!


Interview with a succubus – I’m trying jams and visual novels

| announcement, game jam

After years of procrastination and second thoughts, I decided to join some jams – Both to see if I’d ever be able to meet some deadlines imposed by others, and to, like, actually produce something.

This is my participation in the O2A2 Visual Novel Jam, aka Only One of Any Assets Visual Novel Jam. I’m triple satisfied: I was able to produce something, I did it within the given time limits and I also started using Ren’py!

It’s Interview with a succubus, and these are the coordinates:

❤️ Available on Itch.io (Click me! Click me!)
❤️ In English (The Italian version will come later, because one of the limitations of the jam is a text of up to 1000 words and, at the moment, I don’t want to polish the Italian version-) [EDIT. 31/07: Italian version now available!]
❤️ 3 endings 
❤️ About 5 minutes of reading
❤️ Major warnings are few obvious sexual references and mild language. Nothing happens, but it’s still recommended for 15+

It’s short and silly, but I hope you like it!

[EDIT.] Apparently, there’s a page on vndb! Okay, they added pages for all the games that participated in the O2A2 Jam, but that’s still *beats randomly on keyboard* (o(*゚▽゚*)o)


I’m still learning how to make sprites…

| sprites

I don’t think I’ll ever become the Greatest Spriter The Gaming World Has Ever Known, but I set myself a goal: being good enough to make/edit sprites to recreate my own and others’ characters. These days I’ve started tinkering with the MV RTP sprites, and this is the result!

I like how she turned out! (Ha, of course, I put some light points into the eyes, just to soften that dead inside look of RTP MV-) As I’ve done a little more practice, I’ll add the MV edits to the commissions (… I don’t feel like opening with just a couple of edited sprites-).

So, now my checklist state is:

☑ VX Ace RTP
☑ Mack
☑ Looseleaf
☑ Custom

There’s no MZ at the moment because I don’t have it. *shrugs*

But the XP… The XP is a goal. It’s the top tier (at least for me). It has thousands of shading layers and a much (much!) more complex pixel art. I hope to be able to make sprites for the XP, one day!

P.S.: Ha, one day I’ll also introduce you to this young blonde lady. Aside being the model for the sprites, she’s the main character of one of my games, currently in early development-


Red Riding Hood and the Little Bad Wolf DEMO is out!

| announcement, game

And finally… Red Riding Hood and the Little Bad Wolf demo is released! 


🌿 Available on Itch.io (Click me! Click me!)
🌿 In English and Italian
🌿 30 minutes up to 1 hour of playtime between walking simulator, exploration, absurd puzzles and even more absurd game overs
🌿 Major warnings for the demo: alcohol, stupid references to cannibalism, light sexual references, mild language in few scenes

🍃 Please note that this is the demo. The complete version may have some differences.

I’ve been working on this game since 2019, it’s time to release! … At least the demo, that’s it. I think the total length of the game will be about two or three hours. Meanwhile, here are the first thirty minutes/one hour. 

It’s a silly and unpretentious little fantasy game, but I hope you enjoy it!